Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Introducing the Summer Journal

The Summer Journal is a collaborative writing project meant to stimulate the creativity of its members; engender a disciplined habit of daily writing; and produce a stack of readable writing at the end of its one-hundred day duration.

How it works:

1. Members are asked to write 250 words of fresh prose or verse each day, for each of the 100 days of the Journal period, i.e., from Monday, May 24th to Tuesday, August 31st.
2. Members submit their daily quota to the Summer Journal blog, as a new blog entry (these may be private or public, according to the author's preference).
3. The Journal manager will check in each Sunday to see whether entries have been logged for each of the previous seven days (last Sunday to the Saturday immediately before the current Sunday).
4. Any member who has failed to log an entry will be assessed a one-dollar penalty.
5. In the first weeks of September, the members will gather to plan and produce a print anthology comprising a best-of selection of the summer's writing.
6. The penalty pot will go toward a summer's-end debauchery, likely to involve food and drink and music.

If you'd like to participate, leave a comment on this introductory message. Keep in mind that you're held to the same standards as all other members, so if you jump into the fray only in the middle of June, you'll incur a penalty for each missing entry dating back from the time of your joining. All's fair.

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